The Health Creation Mentorship Diploma
This is a practical skills-based training for those wishing to pursue a career in holistic health coaching and mentorship with individuals. The curriculum covers:
- Theoretical perspectives and background to the holistic model of healthcare
- Role, responsibilities and professional code of conduct of a health mentor and coach
- Assessment, motivational and communication skills
- Training in use of the three workbooks written by Dr Rosy Daniel within the Cancer Lifeline Kit namely: The Health Creation Programme; The Cancer Lfieline Programme; the Carers Guide
- Learning about the 12 Health Creation Principles
- Wellness Mentoring those wishing to achieve optimum health and wellbeing, to prevent illness and to improve vitality
- Illness Mentoring those with chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and depression
- Carer Mentoring those who are caring for the sick or disabled
- Learning about the community resources for self-help, support and therapy for clients
- A six-month journey personal journey through the Health Creation Programme, peer-mentored by a fellow student
- Self-care and supervision for health mentors
- Practice development and management for health mentoring
- Coaching theory & practice including ethics, skills and qualities of a coach.
- Including up to 3 hours of personal pre-course mentoring and regular tutorials from Lead Trainer Sue Caden
This course runs virtually between October and March.
To discuss your suitability for this course contact Dr Rosy Daniel via email or Sue Caden via
View our Mentor Training Flyer
View our Health Creation Coaching and Mentorship Diploma Prospectus