Welcome to Health Creation at Work
A unique ‘Energy Management Approach’ to workplace wellness and productivity
Imagine the success of you and your organisation with a bright, energised workforce……
- Fully engaged and present, with great health and high energy
- Working productively at peak performance
- Motivated and resilient in the face of challenge
- Committed and loyal to your mission and your values
- Delivering great service to your clients
Health Creation works with you to build Effectiveness and Resilience in the workplace through:
- Organisational employee wellness programmes
- One to One and Team Health Coaching and Mentorship
- Training in personal and corporate Health Creation
What is sickness, absence and demotivation costing you now?
Organisations are picking up the costs of preventable lifestyle illnesses, depression, stress and anxiety that are decreasing profit & productivity.
- The average annual cost of sickness and absence is £2,000 per person
- 130 million days’ work are lost through illness
- One million workers are off more than a month
- UK cost of sickness to business is over £20 billion
You can turn this around! At Health Creation we have a proven solution.
Medically led and evidenced based, we have worked in businesses, schools and healthcare with the proven link between wellbeing and improved performance to deliver, through Life Energy Management, increased productivity, engagement health and wellbeing
“The happiness and health of your staff, directly affects the health of your profits. Each pound you invest will yield at least three in improved productivity” says Business in the Community
Interested? Email Dr Rosy Daniel at rosy.daniel@healthcreation.co.uk