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Lifestyle Illnesses of Body, Mind, Spirit and Environment

We welcome greatly your interest in joining us for our UKIHCA approved holistic CPD course Lifestyle Illness of Mind, Body, Spirit and Environment.

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View the Lifestyle Illnesses Course Flyer

Course Overview

Lifestyle Illnesses of Body, Mind, Spirit and Environment


Study with Dr Rosy Daniel the nature of these illnesses, their medical management, the risk factors and how to recognise, reverse and prevent these illnesses which are ruining lives, and bankrupting the NHS and employers.

Get yourself equipped to meet the training standards of UKIHCA and to be able to work in healthcare settings.

Dates – 2 full days running on Saturdays from:

July 6th 2024 at 9am – 6pm

July 20th 2024 at 9am – 6pm

CPD Hours – 16

Fee – £195


*We would like to offer a 10% Discount for UKIHCA and Health Creation members. Payment plans are available, just contact*


We look forward to welcoming you!

Love, Rosy, Sue and the Health Creation team x


Start your application

View the Lifestyle Illnesses Course Flyer